
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Wake That Force Up

Sure, I said we were over-analyzing The Force Awakens. But, ya know, it's kinda the thing to do.

Han: I went back to the only thing I was ever good at.
Leia: No. What you're good at is leading people. Doing the right thing (small smile) even when you don't want to.
H (cocky shrug): I was trying to impress a girl.*
L (sad smile): She was impressed. 

First, this honors the relationship between Leia and Han which WE HAVE ALL BEEN SHIPPING MOST OF OUR LIVES. Taking away their happily ever after got to a lot of us. Second, this connects some of Kylo Ren/Ben's behavior that seems strange - unless you realize he rather instinctively wants TO IMPRESS A GIRL. Some of the stuff he does only makes sense if you think he's kinda crushing on Rey. Recognizing how that makes him like his dad would be a nice tie-in. Further, when Rey proves she doesn't need or want him it kinda turns him on more. JUST LIKE HIS DAD.

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