As with all things, the results of the New YA-YA Sisterhood are mixed: some are good and some are bad. But in my book Lisa is excellent. If you haven't read her first book, The Hourglass Door
It's hard to talk about The Hourglass Door without giving away something that it is more fun to discover for yourself when reading it, so I won't go into the details. In some ways it's the typical teen story: girl is angsty, girl meets boy, boy has issues, girl and boy grow closer together while facing the challenges of the story. Oh, and there's a band, like at the Brass on Buffy. But the characters are engaging and there are enough unique plot twists to keep you on the edge of your seat.
It doesn't look like Lisa has been updating her websites lately other than Facebook (deadlines??) but when she gets back to them you can see her at:
Sue! She has been hard at work on book two and it's coming out in May. In fact, WalMart just agreed to carry "The Hourglass Door" in paperback across the country! The will also carry the 2nd book "The Golden Spiral" in hardback. Book 3will end the trilogy next year. I can mail you an advance copy! Email me your mailing address. mangumtracyatyahoodotcom