Your result for What Cupcake flavour are you? quiz...
Chocolate Cupcake!
You are a charmer, almoste everyone loves you. You can be a little bitter at times, but that just adds to your charm. You are popular all over the world, lucky you!
Humor, entertainment, and geekery.
Still #1 in Colbert Fan Fiction!
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Your result for What Cupcake flavour are you? quiz...
You Are 90% Feminist |
You are a total feminist. This doesn't mean you're a man hater (in fact, you may be a man). You just think that men and women should be treated equally. It's a simple idea but somehow complicated for the world to put into action. |
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You Are an Eyebrow Piercing |
You are unique, quirky, and more than a little eccentric. You cultivate the weirder sides of your personality, and you don't mind sharing them. Ever since you were a kid, you've had strong opinions. You've never been like everyone else, and you're okay with that. And you've always been able to tell people exactly what you think - even when they don't want to hear it. You love to create, dream, imagine, and communicate. You live in your own universe. And unlike most people who live in their own little world, you're happy to invite anyone in! |
Sue needs to look at getting back in step with us if she wants to stay and participate as a full member of the Liberal party [ed. Ouch!]
Sue needs an outhouse where electrical items can be stored
Sue needs to back to school to learn the basics of What Not to Wear [ed. Ouch!]
Sue needs occasional prompting when reading
Sue needs to be rocked
Sue needs developers
Sue needs help!
Sue needs a good avatar
Sue needs YOU to sell our city
You Are the Innovator |
You're the type of person who is always a step ahead of everyone else. You thrive when you're experimenting with new designs, ideas, and attitudes. You are a creative person with many talents. You have to have artistic outlets in your life. You need to create - whether it's writing furiously or redecorating your home. If not, your life becomes chaotic. You tire of doing the same thing every day. You change your job, friends, and personal style often. You are at your best when you have a focus. If not, you develop a flaky artist's temperament. |
Your Mind is Purple |
Of all the mind types, yours is the most idealistic. You tend to think wild, amazing thoughts. Your dreams and fantasies are intense. Your thoughts are creative, inventive, and without boundaries. You tend to spend a lot of time thinking of fictional people and places - or a very different life for yourself. |
You Are Black Tea |
You have a bold personality. You're not afraid of simply being yourself. You have the courage to speak the truth. You are fearless in your actions. You come off as a bit intimidating and unapproachable. Only confident people are attracted to you. You don't try to scare off anyone. You're just an intense person! |
You Are Kayaking |
You have a competitive spirit, but you don't like to compete alone. You do well in a partnership, where you can feed off the other person's energy. If you have the right partner, nothing can stop you. Your energy is infinite! |
- You have more than one pet named after favorite characters.
- Your wedding march was Darth Vader's theme. (It was close.)
- ...While you and your spouse were in costume.
- You spent more than $100 on your costume and had to special order some of the pieces.
- You were making up stories in your head years about your favorite TV shows before anyone ever said the word "fanfiction" to you. After you found out what it was, a lot of your life made a lot more sense.
- You are incapable of hearing, reading or speaking the word "inconceivable" without quoting "The Princess Bride." (Yes, that would in fact be inconceivable.)
- The action figures you have bought yourself as an adult outnumber the toys that survived your childhood.
- The action figures live on your desk.
- You can't help but think LEGO anything is automatically more cool.
There is one last little tool I have used to get people thinking in new ways about day jobs. Use your compulsions, your obsessions, and your plain bad habits."Typical day in the life of Commander Sue: group of friends are out at a restaurant, a debate begins, Sue whips out her blackberry, friends roll their eyes and groan, and she uses her Soogle super-power to locate the correct answer. This obsession with locating information is second nature, I just have faster access to the answers now. Back in the day I had to remember the discussion until I was able to locate a source document that contained the facts. Aforementioned friends can corroborate that I would rarely forget to follow up. And it is never about proving myself right. I'll look up the answer when I didn't even have a stake in the debate and I'm actually quicker to communicate out the correct answer if I was debating and turned out to be wrong.
...I couldn’t face the prospect of waitressing again, though I had almost perfected the requisite accommodating manner. Instead, I designed gift cards and Christmas cards, had my Uncle Bill, a printer, print them, and I trudged around to various East Coast stores selling them. In the summer between college graduation and graduate school in drama at U.C. Berkeley, I continued to sell the cards, did more designs, took them to a trade show in New York City, and at summer’s end, signed up with a Chicago company called Recycled Paper Greetings...
Over the past thirty-odd, odd years, I have designed, by varying estimates (none of them in fact mine because I’ve not yet gotten sufficiently motivated to start counting) somewhere between 4,000 and 6,000 greeting cards. Almost all were published by Recycled Paper, 1975 to 1996. They sold 50 to 80 million Boynton cards per year in the peak years (1980’s)...
I choose the projects I do and products I design somewhat at whim, and only if there’s a company that looks interesting to work with. I only “license” what I can develop and design myself, rather than letting companies adapt my characters according to their own sense and sensibilty. I have no agent, no business manager, no contracts attorney. This is a rather haphazard way to do things, but it’s more fun than an actual plan. Since I’m not sufficiently committed to Optimizing Market Potential, I seem to be a bewilderment and, one hopes, a minor annoyance to many.
You Are 63% Skeptic |
While you aren't always skeptical, you generally approach life from a skeptical viewpoint. You're open to any outlandish claim, but you need proof before you'll believe it. That being said, you're occasionally willing to go out on a limb and put your faith in idea. There's a few beliefs you hold because you hope they're true - not because they've been established as true. |
When do you come up #1 on Google?