
Sunday, July 15, 2007

Do You Know the Cheese God?

The internet is a funny thing. As you know, Sunday is God and Cheese Day here at the Thoughts, so I went looking for new God or Cheese items today. You can imagine my surprise when I found a Cheese God and that, furthermore, that the Cheese God was a geek. Synchronicity, serendipity, whatever you want to call it, it's still cool. 2007 marks the 10th year of Some quotes to give you the flavor of the Cheese God....
So many troubles in the world. World hunger. Wars being fought. People dying from incurable diseases. Global warming (or a natural state of climate change if you're a mental midget.) But none of these will matter any more come this Friday. The iPhone is coming. ~ Here Cometh the iPhone

"To eat the Onion Rings" \too eet thuh uhn-yuhn rÄ­ngs\, verb:
To have a disappointing ending or outcome. Example: The 2004 election ate the onion rings. ~ Phrase of the Day

So, if this data is correct, there are people who are interested in driving a tank while eating a whole rabbit and washing it down with a gallon of milk. Afterwards, being tired out, they'll relax in some kind of space age capsule with an 'Inflatable Party Sheep'. Seems logical... ~ Amazon Tank

First of all, who in the Water World would be a Paris Hilton fan? Someone hoping one day to be an alcoholic? A drug addict? A whore? Someone who loves bad acting? Someone who loves staying at Hilton hotels? I don't get it. ~ Forget Paris

HSBC bank has denied God a checking account. ~ HSBC Denies God
All hail the Cheese God.

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