
Friday, April 23, 2010

Fresh Voices: Interview with Mireyah Wolfe

"we do not believe in ourselves until someone reveals that deep inside us is valuable, worth listening to, worthy of our trust, sacred to our touch. once we believe in ourselves we can risk curiosity, wonder, spontaneous delight or any experience that reveals the human spirit." - E.E. Cummings

Welcome to the latest edition of Fresh Voices. We are delighted to share with you the audacious voice of Mireyah Wolfe.
1. What is your ultimate writing goal?

My ultimate, long term, die-with-a-smile-on-my-face goal is to write stories people love to read—stories that make people go “Oh gosh, I wish I’d written this!” because those are the stories I love to read. My current goal at the moment is just to finish writing a story!

2. Why do you write?

I’d have to say that I write first for my own enjoyment, second for my own sanity, third for the people who poke at me to do it, and last for the possibility of being published, making the NYT Bestseller List and making a bucket load of cash. (Hey, a girl can dream, okay?)

3. Your writing is spunky and sassy. Have you worked to achieve that voice or is it just a natural style for you?

Judging by some of my *cough* early attempts at writing, I’d have to say that it’s both natural and that I’ve worked at it. I’ve been writing since I was nine, so everything I did at the start of this was very rough—especially my Voice. I like to think I’ve gotten into a rhythm over the past few years, but I imagine I’ll only get better with age.

I think my parents definitely influenced how my voice has progressed—I was not a witty child, honestly, but when my parents started homeschooling me, my own personality really began emerging, and with it, my Voice. (I may be less witty than I like to think, but we’re going to say that I am. *wink*)

4. Who are your favorite authors and why do you like them?

I’d say that my favorite authors are Rob Thurman, Karen Marie Moning, and Laurell K. Hamilton. All three of them have very distinct styles—strong, sarcastic, powerful voices, but they’re very similar in that their books are first person POV, and that their characters are alternately strong and vulnerable in regards to the secondary/supporting characters.

5. What most attracts you to the life of a writer?

Oh, it has got to be the ability to sit in a chair with mussed hair, grungy PJs, tapping at a keyboard, playing on Twitter and calling it “work.”

6. If you couldn't be a writer but knew you were guaranteed success at a different career, what would you choose?

Hm. I actually have thought about this in those moments when I want nothing to do with writing. I’d open a small bookstore, help the local schools with their texts, the local library with supplying books…things like that. Or I’d work for a library. (And, obviously, I’d have to be the SuperHero “The Librarian” at night. Is it a plane? Is it a bird? No! It’s the Librarian! Come to snatch all your overdue books away!)

7. If you had to describe your writing in one word, what would that word be?

Emotional. Regardless of what I’m writing, it has to be filled with emotion or it’s not genuine.

8. What's the best writing advice you've ever gotten?

The best writing advice I’ve ever gotten was from a friend of mine, SM Blooding, which was immediately backed up by Maureen Johnson in her video “Dare to Suck.”

You are allowed, you are expected, you are required to suck. And that’s okay.

Trust me, that makes it a lot easier when I’m writing and I think, “Oh my god, that’s TERRIBLE.” Because then I can say, “Hey! That sucks! Awesome!”

Positive reinforcement is amazing.

Mireyah Wolfe is the kind of person who gets shocked by a joke phone buzzer, then follows the owner around to do it again. (Four times.) She is a stay-at-home student, library lurker, addicted tweeter and prolific blogger. Her genre of preference is Urban Fantasy with dashes of other genres for good measure. Dean Winchester is her muse. Mireyah can be found at her Blog, Twitter, or her Facebook. (Be warned: Although she tries to keep everything “Safe for Work,” things do have an occasional tendency to get a bit R-rated.)
Thank you for reading this edition of Fresh Voices. Feel free to follow the Fresh Voices list on Twitter or nominate yourself or another author as a Fresh Voice.

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