
Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Wayne Turmel's Cranky View

Welcome Wayne Turmel to the blogroll. I've linked to his podcast The Cranky Middle Manager Show and his highly entertaining Management-Issues column, View from the Middle. I ran across Wayne when I was looking online today for advice about how to communicate with an ENFP and found his article "Confessions of an ENFP Lion-Otter hybrid." (A genealogy that he explains with "I can only assume a particularly memorable Christmas party at the zoo...") Wayne hooked me from his leader line "I have officially taken every personality profile known to man. Other than telling me that I'm an ENFP, Independent-Working Blue-Green Lion-Otter hybrid, the one thing they have in common is unanimous agreement that I do have a personality." Yeah, that's me, too. (Well, except that I'm an INFP. But, hey, who's keeping track.)

Other articles in Management-Issues that I've already read and can recommend:
  • Incompetence at the Speed of Light - "Genghis Khan managed to rule over half the known world without once having a conference call or conducting a webinar. He did it all with a system of flags and horsemen. So why is it that most companies today, with more ways to communicate then ever, do such a lousy job?"
  • Satan's Training Brochure - "I've always had this feeling that some Middle Management behaviors are too wide-spread and identically performed in too many companies to simply be coincidence."
  • Santa's Performance Review - "I don't know about you, but I hate writing performance reviews. Then I got to thinking that some are harder than others. Take Santa Claus - what would you say about him?"
  • Big "L"s and little "l"s - "How do you differentiate between those who are leaders by title and those who are leaders because they actually behave like leaders? Don't make me name names to prove they're not the same thing. Just open a newspaper."
My favorite tongue-in-cheek line from Wayne - "I have been told I'm a hopeless semantic." Heh-heh. He may be cranky, but he's priceless.


  1. Thank you so much for the kind words about the Cranky Middle Manager Show and my Management Issues columns. Sure, I've spent my whole life trying to finagle work out of Fortune 500 companies, but to achieve even tangential association with the Colbert Nation is a truly crowning achievement.

    I hope your readers enjoy the columns, take a listen to the podcast and join me in not letting the weasels get us down.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Wayne. I'm still working through your archives and enjoying the heck out of it.
