
Sunday, November 27, 2005


Some may doubt evolution but I've seen it in action. I've made my way back up to Flippery Fish in the TTLB Ecosystem.

I'd like to think of myself as a mummichog (with the unfortunate scientific name of Fundulus heteroclitus - don't laugh at me!) simply because you can't kill those things with a stick. (Ok, maybe with a stick.) When my husband was doing research on the Eastern Shore one of the researchers put a mummichog in his damp pocket and the little sucker survived a trek through a marsh and a 15 mile car ride before being put in a tank.

We have a 'chog at home now that we adopted from the lab. She's a voracious little thing that eats more than our monster goldfish. Don't worry, they aren't in the same tank.

(No animals were harmed in the creation of this post.)

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